FAQ Q263: How can I synchronize my calendar with channels such as AirBnB and others?

Section: Integrations with other apps and data import/export
In some cases the best solution is a direct integration. We offer special integrations in the Planyo Store for channels such as Booking.com, Expedia, TripAdvisor, Airbnb, Homeaway, HolidayLettings. Other integrations will follow. These integrations not only synchronize the availability calendar to ensure no overbooking occurs (via different channels) but will also often import the reservations from these channels so you can conveniently manage everything through Planyo and take advantage of all of planyo's features also for these external reservations.

If we don't have a special integration, the easiest way to synchronize the availability is via iCal export or Google Calendar integration or Microsoft Outlook calendar integration. With the Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar integration, the synchronization works both ways so you can also import availability from Google/Outlook into planyo. If you prefer working with iCalendar feeds and if you also would like to import availability from another system, use the iCal import extension. Both methods (Google and iCal) will allow you to accomplish a full 2-way synchronization of availability.
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