FAQ Q282: How can I update my CSS to the latest version used by my scheme?

Section: Templates, tags and CSS styles
The CSS model used by planyo is very simple. No external stylesheets are applied in advanced integration, it's only your private CSS which you can view/edit in Site settings / CSS style editor which is included with advanced integration. Whenever we release a new feature in planyo which requires additional CSS code we have no way of applying this new CSS to your planyo site. The only exception is if you never made any modifications to the CSS styles. In such case we will update your stylesheets automatically to reflect the latest version of the scheme chosen by you. If, however, you did modify the CSS, whenever you enable a new feature requiring new styles, you'll see a warning and you should go to the CSS style editor to resolve the issue.

For each of the 4 stylesheet types (desktop/advanced integration, desktop/calendar preview, mobile/advanced integration, mobile/calendar preview) planyo checks if your stylesheet is different than the stylesheet used by your scheme. In case either you made modifications or the scheme's CSS has been modified you'll see a message informing you that the CSS is different than the scheme's default CSS. Next to the information message you'll see two buttons: Review the differences shows you all the differences between the two stylesheets. Your modifications are marked in green and scheme's modifications are marked in red. You can copy/paste the green sections to your stylesheet if, for example, you'd like to add new styles needed for a new feature in Planyo. Another way to resolve the differences is to click the Reset button which will simply replace the given stylesheet with the scheme's default. Warning: this will remove all your custom modifications, so if they are important you should rather review the differences and apply them manually.

Note that if you previously used the restore function (by clicking the Restore from backup button), there is no scheme to compare to and you will not see these buttons.
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